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EDC (International) Ltd is the ultimate holding company of the development arm of IOCS. Its name is an acronym for "Economic Development Corporation International" which is a succinct statement of its purpose.

Vanuatu Development
Its first development project is the commercial development of the common land portion of the IOCS Vanuatu project and other specific opportunities granted by the Vanuatu government. (For an overview of the Vanuatu project see Vanuatu Project.). Initially that will comprise:
development for commercial use of one or more tracts of land mainly on the Island of Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu but elsewhere in Vanuatu as may be agreed in consultationi with the government and other interested local parties to be most beneficial
participating in development of Vanuatu's proposed international free trade zone and international financial centre
operating and managing leasing and franchising arrangements in such areas
sponsoring the cultivation and export of Moringa and the Vanuatu government's Kava promotioin project
developing infrastructure and facilities such as a hospital, roads, communicatioins systems, alternative energy resources and other facilities as required
co-operating with national financial institutions, travel, investment promotion, communications and othe enterprises and authorites as appropriate
developing facilities for the owners and residents of the IOCS residential land lots including:
  • the club, golf course and marina for IOCS Vanuatu;
  • village and other community centres and facilities for the residential properties to foster social interaction;
  • other sporting and entertainment facilities
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